I'm Human

So I have been doing the whole "lifestyle changes" thing since the beginning of September 2009. I was doing really well, by mid-December I was down 15lbs. It is now mid-February and I have been stuck in a rut. I have been hovering around the same weight for two months now. Two months! I know what my problem is, I just now need to fix it.

Whenever I go home, whether it be for the weekend to work, or during a break from school, I tend to fuck up on my eating. Messing up just doesn't seem to do it justice so I'm going to say fuck up, because that is what I do. I eat way too many calories than any conscious person on a diet should and even when I feel like I'm moving more, I'm really just moving from the couch to the car and so forth. I don't really worry about it too much on the weekends, because let's face it, if you aren't constantly moving when you work in retail, then you aren't working hard enough. It's the damn breaks that kill me. This past winter break especially kicked my ass.

It was Christmas for one. All the goodies, and sitting around chatting with family. I think I find it especially hard because no one else in my family is trying to lose weight (even though they all could benefit from dropping a few). I'm flying solo, and it's quite lonely up here. It's really hard when you are the only one in a house of 5 trying to lose weight. Don't get me wrong, they are very supportive of me (well, maybe except my little brother, but that's understandable). But it's not like my grandparents (whom I live with) are stocking the house full of healthy things. They grew up on casseroles and all-American foods like meatloaf, so that is what we generally eat.

I'm certainly not helping the situation on days like today when I decide to grab a candy bar before class. And was it the regular size? Nope, it was a king size. That means I am going to have to burn 400 more calories today than scheduled just because I'm human and I make mistakes. It just really stinks and there's no one I can blame but myself.

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