why me?

i forgot to weigh myself this weekend when i went home. at least this means i should see a bigger loss than when i do weigh myself every week (hopefully).

that's not even the really bummer part. the idea of going to visit some old neighbors/friends who had to move to TN was being tossed around as an idea for spring break next week. found out today that it's not going to happen. my mom works at a little coffee shop in town and they just fired the girl she was hoping to take her shifts for her. they only have like 5 employees now so we aren't going to be able to go because no one can take them. yeah, i guess the money would be nice, but i was really REALLY looking forward to this trip. we haven't seen them since last year and any chance to go is always nice. it's too bad i don't have a car of my own or i might go by myself. it just makes me really mad because this kind of stuff ALWAYS happens to me. i'll get so hyped up about about something and then it won't happen because of this or that reason. and i'm a little bit upset with my mom even thought i know none of it is her fault. it's no one's fault that i always get the short stick. me knowing that it's not her fault but still not being able to help being mad at her is making me mad at myself.

plus i completely forgot about a 5-6 page paper that's due tomorrow at noon (time now: 11pm) that i don't really know what i am going to write about.

i'm sorry for the rant. i am just a bit stressed out this week with papers and exams up the wazoo, and i'm sick of being let down with everything else. thanks for sticking with it and putting up with my whiny ass.

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